Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Just One More Week

The first batch of The Teenager's college applications are due Nov. 30. Then there's the ACT tests on Dec. 2, and the next batch of applications due on Dec. 4. The last batch in February 2007. (Can you believe we're talking about 2007 already?)

Bear with me gang, we're heading down the home stretch!

Saturday, November 18, 2006

Hubbub on Teenager Hill

Life has been pretty lively over here on Teenager Hill – hence my hiatus from blogging. With many apologies to all of my dear friends who have so kindly worried about me, here is the rundown on recent events:

First, the Teenager was in a car accident (no one was hurt) which involved something to do with donuts in a parking lot on a rainy day, a telephone pole and a police officer which resulted in a reckless driving ticket that we're trying to get reduced which involved begging everyone we know to write letters to the City of Scottsdale about what a fabulous kid the Teenager is which resulted in lots of tears from Queen Mom when she read all of the letters and realized just HOW fabulous everyone thinks her Teenager really is and all of this happening at the same time as Dad-Who-Would-Be-Outlaw's job along with car insurance for the Teenager, not to mention the Teenager's future college career, dangled in the balance of Intel's current restructuring plan which resulted in Dad-Who-Would-Be-Outlaw flying all over the country in his effort to rescue his job (which he did) and all of this happening at the same time as the Teenager's college applications are due (Nov. 30) which involves a complicated process because in order to get into film school (the Teenager's life ambition) the Teenager has to fill out not one, but two complete applications for each college which involves essays and teacher recommendations for each of these two applications multiplied by five colleges thus quintupling not only the Teenager's workload, but that of all the lovely people who just put their hearts and souls into letters to help the Teenager stay out of jail and are now being asked to write college recommendations and, oh by the way, all of this happening at the same time as Queen Mom's job exploded which involved adding a huge new responsibility (our company's entire web development plan) and moving her office to a different campus and all of this happening at the same time as the Teenager was producing "A Midsummer Night's Dream" AND studying for the SAT and ACT tests and, because he was spending his afternoons and evenings producing the play, the Teenager could not attend the SAT and ACT study classes so Queen Mom has been tutoring the Teenager and if you'll recall how much…mm…fun it was when your parents tried to teach you how to drive you might have some sense of just how much…mm…fun Queen Mom and the Teenager are having adjusting to their new relationship as Tutor and Tutoree and all of this happening at the same time as Queen Mom's dear friend and attorney came down with a serious illness which resulted in a continuance of the court case for reckless driving against the Teenager and, let's not forget, throughout all of these events the Teenager's truck was wrecked and spent two months in the body shop which means that, since Dad-Who-Would-Be-Outlaw has been flying all over the country, Queen Mom has been chauffeuring the Teenager to school, to rehearsals, to various and sundry film production projects, to Homecoming, to football games and to church which brings us back to the donuts, the telephone pole, the police officer, the car accident and the rainy day which started the whole affair.

[deep breath]

Surely there's a moral here.